Our Purchase Agreement
Terms & Conditions
All plans are copyrighted, and each purchase comes with the terms and conditions below. Some plans have additional state-specific conditions on Plan Detail pages. Please read them thoroughly!
Local Building Codes and Engineering
Plans purchased shall be in compliance with generally accepted zoning principles. These zoning principles may or may not be the same as the zoning laws and regulations in the locale where the Customer will construct the plans.
Our plans are designed to meet most national building codes at the time they were originally drawn. Many states and counties amend the codes for their area. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and/or builder to see that the structure is built to meet the codes of your area.
Customer hereby indemnifies and holds SML Architectural Design, its principals, employees, and agents, harmless from any claim, loss, or liability resulting from the failure of the plans to comply with local zoning laws or regulations or for any other breach of this Agreement attributable in whole or in part to Customer or its builder.
Some municipalities may require a plan review by a licensed Architect or Structural Engineer in the area you plan to build. After the plan purchase from SML Architectural Design (www.smlcustomhomes.com) the Customer is responsible for any additional expenses incurred to meet municipality requirements or other requirements for construction.
Do I Own The Copyright To The House Plan?
When you purchase a set of plans, you are purchasing a license to build, you do not own the copyright to the house plan. This license gives you the right to construct one house from these drawings unless a multi-use license is purchased.
Can I Build More Than One Home?
To build the house more than once, modify or copy without express written permission, violates the copyright of the house plan. For more information about copyright laws and penalties involved for copyright violations, click the "Copyright" button at the bottom of the page.
If you are interested in building a house multiple times and that option is not shown on the plan you are interested in, please contact us to inquire about multi-use fees.
What Is Your Return Policy?
Because of copyright laws and the possibility of making illegal copies of the plans you received, our plans may not be returned for credit or refund under any circumstances once the order has been processed. Please double-check your selection before ordering.
Warranty & Disclaimer
The information, plans, and specifications contained in these documents are provided "as is" without warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
SML Architectural Design assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these pages or other documents which are referenced by or linked to these web pages. These documents could include technical or other inaccuracies or typographical errors. SML Architectural Design assumes no liability for errors or omissions in these documents and reserves the right to make changes at any time. SML Architectural Design was established to provide home plans that are clear, accurate, easy, and affordable to build with great function and curb appeal.
All floor plans, renderings, and other media advertised on SML Architectural Design website or other media forms are the property of the owner. SML Architectural Design is not liable for plan interpretation, or the structural integrity of buildings built from plans purchased at www.smlcustomhomes.com. We provide home plans for construction purposes but do not oversee the construction and cannot verify that the structure is built to the necessary standards.
The Customer is responsible to assure that the building meets or exceeds local codes and regulations. It is the responsibility of the Customer to obtain any and all structural analysis, engineering, and specifications that may be required in the municipality in which it is to be built. The Customer is to verify all lot conditions and measurements before construction.
Because local codes and regulations and even methods of construction vary across the nation and internationally, certain alternative planning may be necessary to adapt the plan to your area. For this reason, heating and plumbing are not included in our plans. You should be able to meet with these subcontractors to select and plan the system that is most appropriate for your area.