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Custom Home building can be a daunting and somewhat stressful endeavor. We try to make our custom home design process as simple and pain free as possible.

- Step one is the interview process. What we try to do is get an idea of the size, style, budget, location and features of the home. This will help determine what goes into the preliminary design and is a major step in expediting the process of your project. We discuss the fees associated with the preliminary and finals plans as well as any contracts or agreements that may be applicable.

- Step two is the preliminary phase. This is where we take all the information gathered during the initial interview and put it to paper. With the preliminary plans, what we provide is a floor plan and a front and or rear rendering. This will give you an idea of how the home will look as well as how it will be laid out. We can also do interior renderings as well for a small fee. Renderings can take several hours to complete, therefore, the more renderings you want, the more time it may take. In the preliminary phase, this is where you want to make all your major changes. The best advice is to lock in your layout at this stage. Once the final set of plans is produced, a simple change in the location of a room or wall will affect several layouts and will slow down the design process. If you have specific finishes, colors, materials, products is at this stage that those need to be conveyed to the designer.

- Step three is the "final" design stage. Once you've approved the preliminary layout and are happy with the renderings etc, we can begin the final set of plans. This is the point at which we create the construction documents you will need for your builder as well as any subcontractors, banks etc. We will issue a "bid set" IF you have not already secured bids for the project. This bid set will consist of a floor plan and exterior elevations. The bid set can also be used to secure financing from the bank (if you haven't already done so.) Some banks want to see a full set of plans, and that is what the "construction documents" are. These plans will contain all the dimensions and critical information needed to construct your home per your specs. Bear in mind that some field changes may be necessary based on product and material availability. This will be something you and your builder will need to discuss. IF you make revisions after the final plans are created, a revision charge will be assessed and added to the final invoice.

- Step four is the issuance of the final "construction documents". Once the plans are complete, we will send you a PDF, CAD or Hard Copy depending on your preference. We will send the final invoice for the plans as well. Once you've decided to start the construction of your home, we stay in touch with you and the general contractor in case any major changes are needed to the plans.

- Step five is for you to enjoy your new custom home to the fullest!

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